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  • Writer's pictureMax Stahl

Steelheart Book Review

Updated: Apr 21, 2019

Steelheart is the first book in the Reckoners series by Brandon Sanderson. It follows David Charlston, a citizen in the city of Newcago. People (known as Epics) have gained physics-defying abilities and are using them to destroy and take over the world. When David was young, his father was killed by an extremely powerful Epic known as Steelheart, and since then has vowed to get revenge. Every Epic has a weakness - a very specific item or scenario that neutralizes their powers - and using those weaknesses is the only way a person could ever kill Steelheart. This book is an action packed, comic book-like adventure, filled with fight scenes and character developments. David needs to join a resistance group known as the Reckoners, and pull off crazy plans in order to even begin to have a chance at taking out Steelheart. I thoroughly enjoyed this novel (and every one after it), and I strongly recommend this book for a future reading list. This could have easily been just another generic super hero story, but instead it is a story about rebellion, and realizing that sometimes you have to make sacrifices to help others. This was a great book (although it was rather short) with an excellent story, and a book that you should read.

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If you would like, you can donate this book to Ethan and Choco's Book Club, which is collecting books for cancer patients in hospitals. The amazon wish list can be found here. I would really appreciate it if you donated. Thanks!

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